
Showing posts from August, 2018

Dogomonno writes about Zantian Society

Dogomonno was late into his years, waiting to cross the gap, but he was reflecting  on his younger days and the Zantian society, here is more about Zantian society. Zantians lived a long time compared to earth people, they had no form of trade or business, they don't remember in their knowledge inheritance, an era like that, for there was no metal on their planet, the periodic table was much larger, if you could count atomicity, but their Uranism was vastly different, their science of the atom was in the  Bremstuman, the complete theories of space and time. Fundamentally like the Heisenberg matrix formulation was the xavidsan, the mathematical entity that represented a structure, of the atom if you could call it. Space time was defined in the xavidsan, the manifestations of this representation of the Bremstuman. The Bremstuman sourced the technology of the machines that Zantians used, often represented in the many forms of poetry in Zantian, with a mapping to the xavidsa...

Dogomonno weekend

MaSF 8/2/2018 8:53:17 PM Zantian culture Dogomonno weekend Dogmonno woke up from his meditation, his eyes leaked the bliss of light, a dawn he was in, Time seemed to flow so quickly, like it filled the moment to its nrim, only the wormhole aliens Knew this time, but the weekend was before him. Zantians had a ten day week and a four day weekend, they worked for six days Often on work of their choosing, there was no monetary gain to it, no money, it never existed. People worked naturally, in a broad range of professions, and time always filled in, Dogmonno would not speak again, he was in the present, forever in communication in the silence. He retired to his sleep cache, tired and yet brimming with energy. Maybe the wriggly light beings would reveal his next life, a beginning every zantian looks forward to. Since childhood, dogomonno looked forward to his next life, to fill the mysteries Of his knowledge inheritance. And where was the forgetfulness? Would he...

MaSF inorganic life

MaSF 8/17/2018 4:21:02 PM Zantian revisited. Dogomonno had retired from an active life, zantians, never usually retire and work on what they love till they transition. But Dogomonno was maintaining silence. He had already crossed to the next realm. Dogomonno had a spacecraft, he often used in his younger days, it had a philosophical Bend, and he used to often converse with it on divetse topics all day on long journeys to neighbouring galaxies. As he recalled, on one such trip to a neighbouring star zoinionsiod, he had talked to his ship about the red planet carbosias, and if inorganic life existed on it. Would sentience be only of form, that too animistic? Could inorganic life exist and live, could they too complete the loop of self realization? One day dogomonno had read about some clay they had found at carbosias, there was knowledge inherited about the possibility, it was sentient. Checking the archieves on his mirror, he discovered the news, it said Dogomonno understood ...