MaSF inorganic life

8/17/2018 4:21:02 PM
Zantian revisited.
Dogomonno had retired from an active life, zantians, never usually retire and work on what they love till they transition. But Dogomonno was maintaining silence. He had already crossed to the next realm.
Dogomonno had a spacecraft, he often used in his younger days, it had a philosophical
Bend, and he used to often converse with it on divetse topics all day on long journeys to neighbouring galaxies. As he recalled, on one such trip to a neighbouring star zoinionsiod, he had talked to his ship about the red planet carbosias, and if inorganic life existed on it.
Would sentience be only of form, that too animistic? Could inorganic life exist and live, could they too complete the loop of self realization?
One day dogomonno had read about some clay they had found at carbosias, there was knowledge inherited about the possibility, it was sentient. Checking the archieves on his mirror, he discovered the news, it said

Dogomonno understood that the sentience was the collective consciousness of a sea of quasi active morph plasmas, in inorganic form, much like the memory of rock and crystal. The collection e.erged a consciousness A of the lattice s as itconvolved with the memories of generations of zantians, d(n), for all that n that was observable in the memories, ofspace time, of this was the impressions that lasted, h(), of the realization of the subset of the memory s, of the witness of these events, all of which completed in g the clays realization of that part of the universe that was recorded in eons of slow existance. If the plasmas spoke in silence about this realization, we would have a story of creation. Such storiesof creation were partial understanding of sentience of some larger reality, but dogomonno was not impatient, he knew he would pass the gap, and there would be fuller meaning to so much, may be it was all just one moment in his existence, beyond the wormholes aliens.


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